25 Jul

Android NDK and SDL_RWops

Note: There’s now a patch for SDL that makes the same possible on older Androids as well.

The Android NDK makes it possible to use SDL to code Android apps. The aliens.c example bundled with the Android SDL port is fine and dandy except it reads data from /sdcard/data and it has to be pushed manually on the device. A nicer approach is to use the standard SDL way to load data from weird sources: with the SDL_RWops struct. We can use the Android AssetManager object to read data from the APK file (the assets directory in the project), Android 2.3 comes with <android/asset_manager.h> that has the needed helper NDK stuff.

Now, the SDL example is for Android 1.5 (or 1.6, I forget) which means it doesn’t use NativeActivity but instead rolls its own Java wrapper. That means we don’t have simple access to the asset manager — NativeActivity makes this easy because it calls the native code with all the useful stuff ready in a struct android_app — so we have to look it up ourselves.

In short:

  1. Get access to AAssetManager

    1. Using NativeActivity, it’s in struct android_app passed to android_main()

    2. If struct android_app is not available (as in the SDL example), store JNI environment in a global variable in the SDL startup code and use it in your code to get AssetManager

  2. Use AAsset_RWFromAsset() defined below to get an SDL_RWops to a file inside the assets directory

We have to modify the SDL startup method defined in the library source code:

SDL_android_main.cpp (line 19-ish)

JNIEnv *g_env;

extern "C" void Java_org_libsdl_app_SDLActivity_nativeInit(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jobject obj)
    // Store the environment for later use.
    g_env = env;

    /* This interface could expand with ABI negotiation, calbacks, etc. */
    SDL_Android_Init(env, cls);

    /* Run the application code! */
    int status;
    char *argv[2];
    argv[0] = strdup("SDL_app");
    argv[1] = NULL;
    status = SDL_main(1, argv);

    /* We exit here for consistency with other platforms. */


Note: fatal() is a macro that invokes the Android logging interfaces, much like the LOGE() macro.

#include "android_rwops.h"
#include <android/asset_manager_jni.h>
#include <jni.h>

// g_env is set in SDL_android_main.cpp
extern JNIEnv *g_env;

// This function retrieves a static member of SDLActivity called mAssetMgr
// which is initialized in the onCreate() method like so:
// ...
//   mAssetMgr = getAssets();
// ...
// You can also call the getAssets() method from the native code.

AAssetManager * get_asset_manager()
	jclass sdlClass = (*g_env)->FindClass(g_env, "org/libsdl/app/SDLActivity");

	if (sdlClass == 0)
		fatal("org/libsdl/app/SDLActivity not found.");
		return NULL;

	jfieldID assman = (*g_env)->GetStaticFieldID(g_env, sdlClass, 
                          "mAssetMgr", "Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;");

	if (assman == 0)
		fatal("Could not find mAssetMgr.");
		return NULL;

	jobject assets = (*g_env)->GetStaticObjectField(g_env, sdlClass, assman);

	if (assets == 0)
		fatal("Could not get mAssetMgr.");
		return NULL;

	return AAssetManager_fromJava(g_env, assets);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  AAssetManager *assets = get_asset_manager();

  // You should check the return value, here we assume logo.png is found
  SDL_RWops *rw = AAsset_RWFromAsset(assets, "image.bmp");

  // Do whatever you want with the rwops
  GfxSurface *i = SDL_LoadBMP_RW(rw, 1);



#pragma once

#ifdef _cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "SDL_rwops.h"
#include <android/asset_manager.h>

SDL_RWops * AAsset_RWFromAsset(AAssetManager *mgr, const char *filename);

#ifdef _cplusplus


#include "android_rwops.h"

static SDLCALL long aa_rw_seek(struct SDL_RWops * ops, long offset, int whence)
	return AAsset_seek((AAsset*)ops->hidden.unknown.data1, offset, whence);

static SDLCALL size_t aa_rw_read(struct SDL_RWops * ops, void *ptr, size_t size, size_t maxnum)
	return AAsset_read((AAsset*)ops->hidden.unknown.data1, ptr, maxnum * size) / size;

static SDLCALL int aa_rw_close(struct SDL_RWops * ops)

	return 0;

SDL_RWops * AAsset_RWFromAsset(AAssetManager *mgr, const char *filename)
	AAsset *asset = AAssetManager_open(mgr, filename, AASSET_MODE_RANDOM);

	if (!asset)
		return NULL;
	SDL_RWops *ops = SDL_AllocRW();
	if (!ops)
		return NULL;
	ops->hidden.unknown.data1 = asset;
	ops->read = aa_rw_read;
	ops->write = NULL;
	ops->seek = aa_rw_seek;
	ops->close = aa_rw_close;
	return ops;
02 Jan

Lossless Audio Compression


Here’s an audio compression scheme I came up for my tracker project. Generally, I wanted an algorithm that meets these three conditions:

  • Has to compress mono audio losslessly
  • Has to be simple, should be just one source code file or 500 lines of C code at most
  • Should compress 8-bit audio that’s upscaled to 16-bits to near 8 bits per sample

  1. Introduction
  2. The algorithm
  3. Delta encoding
  4. Gray encoding
  5. Reordering data in bit planes
  6. Run-length encoding
  7. Improvements
  8. Compression results
  9. Source code

The lossless requirement is obvious and the simplicity gives the benefit of not having to rely on external libraries (e.g. when using something like RAR compression) and not being overkill. The audio data is not huge in any case so the compression ratio doesn’t have to be exceptional. The last requirement is the most important: in klystrack, it is possible to load raw 8-bit audio files, usually originally from the Amiga computer. The native audio format in klystrack is 16-bit, however, so when saving the audio data there always are 8 redundant bits and the file will generally be twice as large as the original file. Also, since the software deals with low-fidelity aesthetics (chiptunes), the audio data might be even lower quality than 8-bit.

While there’s the option of detecting the bit fidelity and only saving the most significant bits, I thought it should be quite simple to devise an algorithm that automatically detects and leaves the redundant bits out while still doing some compression for even 16-bit audio data.

The algorithm

In short, the algorithm does this:

  1. Delta code input data

  2. Gray code the data from above

  3. Reorder the data from above in bit planes. I.e. first output the least significant bit of all samples, then the next bit for all samples and so forth

  4. Run-length encode the above data exploiting the fact you only need to store the distance between bit flips

Delta encoding

By delta encoding the audio data, we can exploit the fact audio data very often changes just a little between samples and so the generated delta values (the amount of change) need fewer bits to be expressed. However, you can’t store 16-bit data with e.g. 8-bit delta values since it is not assured the change is always small enough to be stored in 8 bits, requiring the use of 16-bit delta values in the worst case.

Gray encoding

Using gray codes we can minimize the amount of bit flipping that happens (e.g. when a value changes between 7 and 8, where the bits change from 0111 to 1000 — three bits flip even if the value changes by one) to one bit flip between any two neighboring values. In practice, this doesn’t always result in better compression and sometimes it even can hurt the compression ratio.

Reordering data in bit planes

This step is the key to good compression in our case. Between two neighboring delta values, it’s common that most of the bits are the same and it’s common for one bit to stay completely static for the whole data. So, we take the bits from all samples and sort them so that all significant bits come before the lesser bits. The result is long runs of bits, usually in the most significant bits.

Run-length encoding

Finally, we take the encoded and reordered data and store the bits using RLE. While RLE usually stores the repeated data and the number of repetitions, we can exploit the fact the data is always zero or one, always changing between runs — only the starting state of the bit needs to be stored. Elias gamma coding is used to store the run-lengths since in most cases the run length is in the range of a few bits (for completely empty bit planes we can use special flags that tell they’re all zero or one) and tend to fall in 1-4 bits. With gamma coding it’s possible to store the number 1 by using one bit, the number two takes three bits.

Also, for some bit planes a raw dump of bits with no compression should be used if compression would result in much longer data than the original. There are also two special codes for the bit planes, in cases where all bits are zero or one (common if the audio data is quiet, i.e. uses only a subrange of the 16-bit resolution) or if the data is offset by a constant.

Depending on implementation the total overhead is around two bits per bit plane (i.e. 32 bits or two bytes for 16-bit audio data), not including the header data describing the compressed data (data length, uncompressed length). Since there’s the possibility of a raw dump of bits, in the worst case (none of the bit planes compress at all), the data size grows only by two bytes. A completely quiet (all zero bits) data will take only two bytes for any length.


My implementation only compresses the whole audio data as one big chunk but this can be easily improved to compress in chunks. This should improve the compression when there are parts where the audio is quiet and most of the bits will be zero.

Stereo audio can be compressed by compressing two chunks of data, one for both channels. The other channel should be delta coded compared to the other channel since in stereo audio the two channels often heavily correlate.

Since the Gray coding may even hurt compression, there should be the option to disable the coding for chunks. This can be simply by brute force, comparing which combination of options produces the shortest compressed data.

Compression results

The following contains example compression results. The Option column tells different configurations where the input data is delta coded and/or Gray coded. This shows how different preprocessing steps work better for different kinds of input data.

Legend: 0 = no coding before compression, 1 = delta coding, 2 = Gray coding, 3 = delta and Gray coding.

Options Ratio
Sine wave (loud)
0 73.1 %
1 29.6 %
2 67.9 %
3 22.6 %
White noise (loud)
0 100.0 %
1 100.0 %
2 99.8 %
3 100.0 %
Complex wave
0 75.3 %
1 38.2 %
2 69.6 %
3 30.0 %
Options Ratio
Sine wave and noise
0 84.7 %
1 100.0 %
2 80.9 %
3 80.9 %
White noise (quiet)
0 50.0 %
1 100.0 %
2 50.0 %
3 55.9 %
Complex wave (saturated)
0 38.9 %
1 21.9 %
2 37.2 %
3 17.7 %

Source code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

typedef unsigned char Uint8;
typedef short int Sint16;
typedef unsigned short int Uint16;
typedef int Sint32;
typedef unsigned int Uint32;

/* bitpack() bit plane codes */

/* bitstream writer helpers*/
typedef struct
	Uint8 *buffer;
	Uint32 byte, size_byte; 	// Read/write position counters (byte component)
	Uint8 bit, size_bit;		// Read/write position counters (bit component)
} BitPtr;

#define BIT_BLOCK_SIZE 1024 // Bitstream buffer allocation increment size

void bit_init(BitPtr *p, Uint8 *buffer, Uint32 size_bytes, Uint8 size_bits)
	memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
	p->buffer = buffer;
	p->size_byte = size_bytes;
	p->size_bit = size_bits;

void bit_deinit(BitPtr *p)
	memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));

void bit_rewind(BitPtr *p)
	p->bit = p->byte = 0;

void bit_seek(BitPtr *p, Uint32 byte, Uint8 bit)
	p->byte = byte;
	p->bit = bit;

void bit_w(BitPtr *p, int bit)
	if (p->bit == 0 && !(p->byte & (BIT_BLOCK_SIZE - 1)))
		// If write position modulo BIT_BLOCK_SIZE is zero, allocate a larger buffer
		p->buffer = realloc(p->buffer, p->byte + BIT_BLOCK_SIZE);

	if (bit)
		p->buffer[p->byte] |= 1 << p->bit;
		p->buffer[p->byte] &= ~(1 << p->bit);

	if (p->bit == 8)
		p->bit = 0;
	p->size_byte = p->byte;
	p->size_bit = p->bit;

int bit_r(BitPtr *p)
	if (p->size_byte <= p->byte && p->size_bit <= p->bit)
		return -1;

	int bit = (p->buffer[p->byte] & (1 << p->bit)) != 0;
	if (p->bit == 8)
		p->bit = 0;
	return bit;

/* Write Elias gamma coded value (has to be nonzero) */
void bit_wgamma(BitPtr *p, Uint32 value)
	int l = log2(value);
	for (int a=0; a < l; a++)
		bit_w(p, 0); //put 0s to indicate how many bits will follow
	bit_w(p, 1);      //mark the end of the 0s
	for (int a=l-1; a >= 0; a--) //Write the bits as plain binary
		bit_w(p, value & 1 << a);

/* Read Elias gamma coded value, zero return value signals read error */
Uint32 bit_rgamma(BitPtr *p)
	int numberBits = 0;
	int bit;
	while (!(bit = bit_r(p)))
		numberBits++; //keep on reading until we fetch a one...
	if (bit < 0) return 0;
	Uint32 current = 0;
	for (int a=numberBits-1; a >= 0; a--) //Read numberBits bits
		if ((bit = bit_r(p)))
			current |= 1 << a;
		if (bit < 0) return 0;
	current |= 1 << numberBits; //last bit isn't encoded!
	return current;

/* Read bits bits */
Sint32 bit_rbits(BitPtr *p, Uint8 bits)
	Sint32 rval = 0;

	for (int i = 0 ; i < bits ; ++i)
		int bit = bit_r(p);
		if (bit < 0) return -1;
		rval |= bit << i;
	return rval;

/* Write bits bits of v */
void bit_wbits(BitPtr *p, Uint32 v, Uint8 bits)
	for (int i = 0 ; i < bits ; ++i)
		bit_w(p, v & (1 << i));

/* Gray and delta encoding helpers */
static inline Uint16 gray(Uint16 v)
	return v ^ (v >> 1);

static inline Uint16 degray(Uint16 v)
	v ^= (v>>8);
    v ^= (v>>4);
	v ^= (v>>2);
	v ^= (v>>1);
	return v;

static void delta_encode(Sint16 *buffer, const int n)
	Sint32 delta = 0;
	Sint32 original;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		original = buffer[i];
		Sint32 x = original - delta;
		buffer[i] = gray(x + 32768); // Gray code can not be negative
		delta = original;

static void delta_decode(Sint16 *buffer, const int n)
	Sint32 delta = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		Sint32 v = degray(buffer[i]);
		buffer[i] = (v - 32768) + delta;
		delta = buffer[i];

/* Compress 16-bit signed data into bitstream, return compressed data size in packed_size (in bits) */
Uint8 * bitpack(const Sint16 *_buffer, const int n, Uint32 *packed_size)
	BitPtr bp;
	bit_init(&bp, NULL, 0, 0);
	Sint16 *buffer = malloc(sizeof(Sint16) * n);
	memcpy(buffer, _buffer, sizeof(Sint16) * n);
	delta_encode(buffer, n);
	for (int plane = 0 ; plane < sizeof(*buffer) * 8 ; ++plane)
		const Sint16 mask = 1 << plane;
		int bit = mask & *buffer;
		int type = BITPACK_STATIC0 | (bit != 0);
		for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i)
			if ((buffer[i] & mask) != bit)
				// Was not all zeros or all ones, needs to compress
				type = BITPACK_RLE;
		Uint32 p_byte = bp.byte;
		Uint32 p_bit = bp.bit;
		bit_wbits(&bp, type, 2);
		switch (type)
				for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i)
					bit_w(&bp, buffer[i] & mask);
			case BITPACK_STATIC0:			
				// No data needed, bit plane is all zeros or all ones
			case BITPACK_RLE:
				// Write starting bit state
				bit_w(&bp, bit);
				Uint32 ctr = 0;
				for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i)
					if (((buffer[i] & mask) == bit))
					if ((buffer[i] & mask) != bit)
						bit_wgamma(&bp, ctr);

						ctr = 1;
						// Flip the bit (no neighboring bits are the same state)
						bit ^= mask;
				if (ctr != 0) bit_wgamma(&bp, ctr);
				if ((bp.byte * 8 + bp.bit) - (p_byte * 8 + p_bit) > n + 2)
					// RLE gave longer data than the original, dump data instead
					bit_seek(&bp, p_byte, p_bit);
					type = BITPACK_LITERAL;
					goto again;
	*packed_size = bp.byte * 8 + bp.bit;
	return bp.buffer;

/* Decompress compressed bitstream into 16-bit signed data, decompress at most packed_size bits
	unpacked_size tells the function the data length (important)
Sint16 * bitunpack(const Uint8 *packed_data, const Uint32 packed_size, Uint32 unpacked_size)
	BitPtr bp;
	bit_init(&bp, (Uint8*)packed_data, packed_size / 8, packed_size & 7);
	Sint16 *buffer = calloc(unpacked_size, sizeof(Sint16));
	for (int plane = 0 ; plane < sizeof(*buffer) * 8 ; ++plane)
		const Sint16 mask = 1 << plane;
		Sint32 type = bit_rbits(&bp, 2);
		if (type < 0) goto read_error;
		switch (type)
				for (int i = 0 ; i < unpacked_size ; ++i)
					int bit = bit_r(&bp);
					if (bit < 0) goto read_error;
					if (bit) buffer[i] |= mask;
				// Data bits are zero by default, no action needed
				// Fill bit plane with set/unset bit
				for (int i = 0 ; i < unpacked_size ; ++i)
					buffer[i] |= mask;
			case BITPACK_RLE:
				// Read the starting bit status
				int bit = bit_r(&bp);
				if (bit < 0) goto read_error;
				if (bit) bit = mask; else bit = 0;
				buffer[0] |= bit;
				for (int i = 0 ; i < unpacked_size ; )
					Uint32 ctr = bit_rgamma(&bp);
					if (ctr == 0) goto read_error;
					for (; i < unpacked_size && ctr ; ++i, --ctr)
						buffer[i] |= bit;
					if (ctr) goto read_error;
					// Flip the bit (neighboring bits are always different)
					bit ^= mask;
	delta_decode(buffer, unpacked_size);
	if (0)
		return NULL;
	return buffer;

/* Generate test data, 0 is a sine wave and 1 generates noise */
void getdata(Sint16 *buffer, const int n, int t)
	switch (t)
		case 0:
			for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i)
				buffer[i] = (((int)(sin((float)i / 1000 * 3.141 * 2) * 20000)));
		case 1:
			for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i)
				buffer[i] = (rand() * 4);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	const int n = 100000;

	Sint16 *b = malloc(sizeof(Sint16) * n);
	Uint32 packed_size;
	getdata(b, n, 0);
	Uint8 * data = bitpack(b, n, &packed_size);
	Sint16 * udata = bitunpack(data, packed_size, n);
	if (udata == NULL || memcmp(b, udata, sizeof(Sint16) * n) != 0)
		printf("Upack failed\n");
		printf("Compression ratio %.1f %%\n", (float)100 * packed_size / (n * sizeof(Sint16) * 8));
	return 0;
09 Nov

Plenty of Room, Part II

This is the second part of the epic (two three-part) series of articles about tiny intros, the previous part was an essay about 256-byte intros in general.

Ed. note: Since this article seems to take forever to finish, here’s the first half of it. The (hopefully) final part will detail more of the specifics.

rubba As stated earlier, tiny intros written in assembly language fascinate me. I have written a few in x86 assembly language, here’s one of them. I have tried to make the inner workings of the program as accessible — or, at least as thought-provoking — as possible even if assembly wasn’t their weapon of choice.

I’ve included the original DOS intro (you can use DOSBox to run it, it should also work on Windows XP) and a Win32 port of it, written in C while trying to keep the original structure intact. I’ll also try to explain the general idea of the effect in pseudocode where syntax can be an obstacle. The archive rubba_c.zip contains the source code, rubba_b.exe which is the compiled Win32 executable and RUBBA.COM which is the 16-bit MS-DOS executable. To compile the C program, you need the TinyPTC library (like SDL but even more bare-bones).

I won’t go into details about x86 assembly language, I suggest anyone interested first reads an introduction and learns some of the basics. However, I’ll try to make the code look interesting, explain some weird or obfuscated code and probably show some basic size optimization tricks.

The Effect

The intro, called rubba_b, shows one effect: a twisting bar drawn using primitive light-shaded texture mapping. The color palette and the texture are generated run-time. The texturing is done using linear interpolation and no vector math is used even if the bar looks like it is rotated. The lighting is an extremely simple approximation of the light source being exactly where the camera is located. That is, the length of the textured line directly determines the light.

If looked from above, the bar will be a tower of squares. If one of the squares is rotated around the center, the corners will move in a circular pattern. So, the X coordinate will be equal to cos(corner_number*(360 degrees/4)+square_rotation), the Z coordinate (why Z? Because it goes towards the screen) is equal to the sine but it can be discarded because we will not need it for perspective calculation. Remember, we’re short on bytes.

We then modulate the bar rotation for each square in the tower. If the amount of rotation changes when moving up or down the tower, the bar will twist. If the rotation stays the same for each square, the bar will rotate uniformly and look uninteresting.

The textured horizontal line is drawn from each corner to the next corner, from left to right. If the line would be drawn from right to left, we know it isn’t facing towards the camera, another line facing the camera will be drawn over it and we simply skip the line. The color value fetched from the texture is multiplied by the line length which makes short lines darker.

Still with me?

The Code


First things first. We need to set the video mode before we continue. In the Win32 version we simply open a TinyPTC window, in the original version we need to tell BIOS to go in a nice 320x200x8 video mode (the de facto video mode back in the day).

C asm
mov al,13h
int 10h

In the above code, the Win32 part is self-explanatory. The assembly bit probably needs some clarification: we put the number 13h (hex) in the 8-bit register al and we request for interrupt 10h. This is the BIOS video interrupt and since register ax (which consists of al – “low” – and ah – “high”) equals to 0013h (when the program starts, ax is always zeroed), BIOS will call the routine for changing the video mode (ah=00h) to 13h.

If above sounds complicated, don’t worry. It’s just a matter of memorization – similar to how you would memorize the function name for changing the video mode.

The next thing we need is some space for the texture, the sine table and the double buffer. In the Win32 version this is obvious, we just add a few arrays (although since TinyPTC only supports 32-bit video modes, we will also have an array for the palette). Again, in the assembly version we won’t use any fancy way to reserve memory to save some precious bytes: we simply decide certain areas of the memory will be used for whatever we want. The benefits of no memory protection and single tasking. ;)

C asm
short int sinetab[SINETAB];
unsigned char palette[256*4];
unsigned char texture[256*256];
unsigned char screen[320*200];
mov dh,80h
mov gs,dx           
mov dh,70h
mov es,dx
mov dh,60h
mov fs,dx

The assembly version basically sets the register dx to 60xxh-80xxh (we set only the high byte, i.e. dh to save bytes, thus the low byte of dx is undefined – it won’t matter) and puts the value into various segment registers (es-gs).

This makes it so that if we use the different segment registers, we can access each of the three 64 kilobyte segments as a 64 kilobyte array. E.g. the sine is in gs, thus mov ax,[gs:2] would move the second word in the sine table in ax. In C, the equivalent would be short int value=sinetab[1] (note how the C compiler knows the fact that a word is 2 bytes but in assembly you have to take care of that yourself – all memory accesses are always by the exact location, not the array element!).

All this is because in 16-bit memory accessing you can see only 64 kilobytes at one time. You can’t have a 128 KB array, nor can you have two 64 K arrays in the same segment. It’s something comparable to having a flashlight and a big sheet of paper in a dark room; you can move the light to show different areas but you will never see more than what there is in the spotlight.

The next two parts calculate the sine table (back in the day you simply could not do trigonometric stuff real-time, even in hardware — although in the intro it’s there just for show) and set the palette. This is pretty straight-forward stuff across the two versions. The only difference is that in the Windows version we have to remember the palette has 8-bit color components and the original has 6-bit components (0..255 ~ 0..63). And of course, the Windows version simply puts the values in a palette look-up table (because 32-bit video mode doesn’t use a palette) and the original actually sets the video mode colors.

I won’t reiterate the source code for the sine table and palette change here, I think you should be able to figure it out by comparing the source code. But in theory, here’s how to change a color: first, write the color index in port 3C8h, then write the three color components in port 3C9h (hint: dx first contains 3C8h and it’s incremented to 3C9h to save bytes).

The sine routine increases the angle (st0 the topmost register on the FPU) by 2*PI/32768 (a full circle is 2*PI, the sine table has 32768 elements). You probably should check some FPU tutorial, arithmetic on the 8087 is pretty interesting due to the stack-based architecture. For example, you first push in two numbers and then do an add, which (in most cases) pops out the two values and pushes in the result.

The texture generation bit is interesting. It also was annoying to port to C thanks to the fact you have to emulate how some instructions work – there are no accurate analogies in the C standard. A big thanks goes to baze whose code I originally cannibalized for this (I think). To be honest the conversion doesn’t work 100 % accurately but does still produce a nice texture.

The algorithm uses addition, bitwise operations and other simple things to achieve complexity thanks to how processors do arithmetics. Mainly, the results from an earlier calculation is carried over to the next calculation — when an addition or a subtraction overflows, i.e. the result is too large or too small to fit in a register, the processor lets the result wrap over but sets the carry flag.

This is quite similar to how you would carry numbers when calculating with a pen and a paper. The flag affects the results unpredictably because it’s used across quite different operations; usually you would just use to to add big numbers together as in the pen and paper example.

The Main Loop

Here is the meat of the code. The C version has many variables that are named after registers in order to see the connection with the original code. Sometimes, as with the 8-bit registers, some code doesn’t work exactly as in the original because you can’t do things similarly in C. E.g. you can’t have two variables that also are a part of one big register similarly how al and ah form ax (well, you can with pointers or unions but that is besides the point, kind of).

Self Modifying Code

I use self modifying code (SMC) in a few places because it produces faster and also much simpler code. For example, if you have a variable that is changed in a few places but used by one instruction only (and the instruction performs arithmetic or otherwise accepts a constant parameter), it’s much faster to store the variable where the constant for the instruction would be. That way you don’t have to read the variable in a register and then use the register to do something.

E.g. Let’s multiply cx by the variable foo:

Original SMC
  push ax ; save ax
  mov ax,[foo] ; move variable foo in ax
  imul cx,ax ; multiply cx by ax
  pop ax  ; restore ax
  mov ax,123   ; set foo ...
  mov [foo],ax ; ... to 123
foo: dw 0
  imul cx,123
foo equ $-2
  mov ax,123   ; set foo ...
  mov [foo],ax ; ... to 123

We can exploit the fact imul (signed multiplication) accepts constant multipliers. If you looked at the code with a hex editor, you’d see 123 next to the opcode. You can change the constant run-time and you do that exactly like you would change a variable: if you just define foo as the address where the constant is (the above code defines it as the last two bytes (i.e. word) of the previous instruction: in NASM, $ is the current location and $-2 equals the address of the previous word).

To be concluded…

22 Sep

Introducing My Latest Projects

… Or, How to Procrastinate Productively.


I decided to make one of my current projects open source and post them on Google Code just for fun. The project is a tool chain that I’m using to remake Thrust. In reality, I decided to divide the project into two separate projects: the actual game engine (called klystron) and related tools, and a music editor that uses the engine.

Here are two videos I made a while ago that demonstrate the engine. The first is the music editor (called klystrack) — it’s much less ugly at the moment but the sound synthesis is the same, and that’s what matters:

The sound engine (“Cyd”) is basically a very simple software synthesizer with capabilities comparable to the SID or any 8-bit machine from the 80s. The editor is a fairly standard tracker, much like GoatTracker.

The graphics half of the engine is basically a wrapper around a quite fast collision detection system (pixel-accurate, or it wouldn’t be much good for a thrustlike) built on SDL. It also does background collisions and drawing as well. As you may have guessed, the whole point is to provide a limited but still helpful set of routines that are useful for creating 2D games not unlike what video games were in 1991.

And, here’s a proof I’m actually working on the actual game (the sound effects are created in real time by the sound engine):

A note on Google Code: it’s rather nice. It provides the standard open source development stuff like source control an such but I really like how clean and hassle-free it is. Adding a project takes a minute and after that it’s simply coding and some quick documentation on the project wiki. The project wiki is good example of how simple but elegant the system is: the wiki pages actually exists inside the source control as files, just like your source code.

Go check Google Code out and while you’re at it, contribute on my projects. :)

23 Jul

Collision Detection with Occlusion Queries Redux


Here we describe a method for checking collisions between arbitrary objects drawn by the GPU. The objects are not limited to any shape, complexity or orientation. The objects that are checked for collisions can be the same objects that are drawn on the screen. The algorithm is pixel perfect but without further refining is limited to 2D collisions.


The algorithm can be divided in three separate steps:

  1. Determine which objects need testing

  2. Set up the GPU buffers and draw the first object so the stencil buffer is set

  3. Make an occlusion query using the and using the stencil from the previous buffer

If the occlusion query returns any pixels were drawn, the two objects overlap.

Determining objects that need to be tested

Figure 1.
Figure 1.

To speed up the algorithm, we need to eliminate object pairs that can’t overlap. This can be done by projecting the object bounding volumes in screen space. Then, we can quickly check which 2D polygons overlap and do further checking. Choosing the shape of the bounding volumes/polygons is not relevant. In this document we will use rectangles for the simplicity.

The example case in figure 1 shows two colliding objects (overlapping bounding rectangles shown red), one near hit (green overlap) and one object with no collisions or bounding rectangle overlap. To determine the collisions (and non-collisions) we need checks for every bounding rectangle (15 checks) and two checks using the GPU1. Without the use of the bounding rectangles, we would need 13 more checks on the GPU.

The bounding rectangles in the example can be generated by finding the maximum and minimum coordinates and using them as the corner points of the rectangle. Since the algorithm finds collisions as seen from the camera, we need first project the object coordinates (or the object bounding volume coordinates) on the screen and find the minima and maxima using those coordinates. Most 3D frameworks provide functions for projecting a 3D point to screen coordinates using the same transformations as seen on screen2.

Drawing objects

Before we start drawing the objects on the graphics buffer, we need to clear the stencil buffer. After that, the GPU should be set to draw only to the stencil buffer, that is we don’t need the color buffer or depth buffer to be updated.

Now, the first object can be drawn. After that, we will draw the second object. Before we start we need to set up the occlusion query to count the drawn pixels. We also need to use the stencil buffer created in the previous step and set the GPU to draw only if the stencil buffer is non-zero. We don’t need to update any buffers at this point.

After the second object is drawn, the pixel count returned by the occlusion query tells how many pixels overlap. For most purposes, we can assume a non-zero value means the two objects collide3.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Consider the above example. Figure 2 shows two objects as seen on screen. Figure 3 shows the stencil derived by drawing only the green (right) object. Figure 4 shows what will be drawn of the red (left) object if we limit the rendering to drawing on the stencil (the occlusion query will tell us six pixels were drawn).


For sprite objects that consist of only one quad and an alpha blended texture with transparent area representing the area that cannot collide with anything, the same result can be achieved by setting the alpha testing to discard pixels below a certain tolerance. This will then avoid updating the stencil buffer on the whole area of the quad.


The stencil buffer can be created to contain the collision area of e.g. every enemy currently on the screen and then testing with the player object. This avoids the necessity to test between every object individually, which can be costly since the occlusion query has to finish before the next query can start. If the objects on the screen can be grouped to a handful of categories, such as the player, the enemies, player bullets and so on, multiple objects can be tested simultaneously where it is not important to know exactly which two objects collided (e.g. when deciding whether to kill the player which in a shooter game generally is because the player collides with the background, an enemy bullet or an enemy — all of which would be drawn in the same stencil buffer).

Ideally, the above can be done so that every object group has its own stencil buffer. This then makes it possible to create the stencil and start the queries in their respective buffers, do something useful while they execute and then query for the occlusion query results.


Most of all, doing collision detection with occlusion queries is admittedly a curiosity. There are many, many ways to do collisions faster and most likely with less technicalities. Using a simple rectangle (a cube or a sphere in 3D applications) to test collisions between complex objects has been used since the first video games and it still provides acceptable accuracy. Indeed, some games even use an extremely small collision area (e.g. a single pixel) to test collisions with larger objects with great success. Additionally, the algorithm is potentially a bottleneck, especially when triple buffering etc. are used since occlusion queries generally are started after the previous frame is drawn and then read when the next frame is drawn (i.e. it’s asyncronous). This limits either the algorithm accuracy for real time (frame accuracy) or the framerate since we may have to wait for the query to finish for a relatively long time.

A serious consideration is to use the occlusion query algorithm to test between a complex object, e.g. with a large end of level boss with a complex, changing shape and use a simpler geometry based algoritm to test between hundreds of bullets. A hybrid algorithm could even first make an occlusion query to know which objects collide and then use a different algorithm to find out more about the collision.

This is inherently a 2D algorithm. The GPU sees any situations in which two objects overlap as a collision, as seen from the location of the camera. This if fine for side-scrollers et cetera, which also benefit from pixel perfect (fair, predictable) collisions, and other situations in which all the objects to be tested are on the same plane. Multiple depth levels (e.g. foreground objects never collide with background items) improve the situation and so does drawing only the parts of the objects that are between specified depth levels4.

Another possible problem is that the screen resolution may be different between systems, which makes the algorithm have different levels of accuracy. This can be avoided by doing the checks in a fixed resolution. Limiting the collision buffer resolution also improves the algorithm speed in cases the GPU fillrate is a bottleneck.

Finally, some older systems may not support occlusion queries or stencil buffers. As of 2008, this is increasingly rare but should be taken into consideration.

Appendix A. Source code for OpenGL

The following is source code extracted from a proof of a concept/prototype game written in C++ using OpenGL. The source code should be self explanatory.

The following builds the bounding rectangle for a object:

BoundBox box=object->GetBoundingBox();

glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelViewMatrix);
glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projectionMatrix);
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);

for (int i=0;i<8;i++) 
    GLdouble screenX, screenY, screenZ;
    vec3 c=box.Corner(i);

    gluProject(c.x(), c.y(), c.z(), 
        modelViewMatrix, projectionMatrix, viewport, 
        &screenX, &screenY, &screenZ);

rect = Rect(minX,minY,maxX-minX, maxY-minY);

The following can be used to set the rendering mode before drawing the object on the screen, on the stencil buffer or when making the occlusion query (note how we disable most of the rendering when drawing something that will not be visible to the player, also notice how the stencil buffer is cleared if we enable stencil drawing mode — using scissor makes this efficient):

void GfxManager::SetRenderMode(RenderMode mode) {
  if (mode==STENCIL) {
    glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 1, 1);						
  } else if (mode==OCCLUSION) {
    glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 1, 1);						
    glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);		
    glBeginQueryARB(GL_SAMPLES_PASSED_ARB, m_OccId);
  } else {
    // Set normal rendering mode here (enable lighting etc.)

Similarly, the following is used to end drawing (specifically to end the collision testing, at which the function returns the number of pixels drawn)…

int GfxManager::FinishRenderMode(RenderMode mode) {
  if (mode==OCCLUSION) {
    GLuint occ=0;
    glGetQueryObjectuivARB( m_OccId, GL_QUERY_RESULT_ARB, &occ);
    return (int)occ;
  } else {
    return 0;

… using something like this:

int GfxManager::DrawObject(int oid,vec3 pos,vec3 rot,RenderMode mode) {
  Draw3DObject(oid, pos, rot);
  return FinishRenderMode(mode);

This is from the main loop, it simply goes through all objects in the game. Notice how we first prepare the collision checking for the first object to be tested (i.e. create the stencil as in step 2 of the algorithm).

for (unsigned int a=0;a<m_Objects.size();a++) {
  for (unsigned int b=a+1;b<m_Objects.size();b++) {
    if (m_Objects[a]->TestCollide(m_Objects[b])) {
      // We have a collision

Note that DrawObject is the same method as we use to draw the visible object on the screen. The only thing that differs is that the drawing mode is set to stencil or occlusion query. Also worth noting is how we use the rectangle to set the scissor to further reduce the workload.

void GfxObject::PrepareCollide() {

void GfxObject::FinishCollide() {
  // We simply reset the scissor

int GfxObject::DrawCollide() {
  // We could set the scissor here to even smaller area, the overlapping area
  return GetGfxManager()->DrawObject(m_GfxId,GetPosition(),GetRotation(),OCCLUSION);

bool GfxObject::TestCollide(Object *obj) {
  Rect a=GetBoundingRect();
  Rect b=obj->GetBoundingRect();
  // No need for further collision testing if the rectangles
  // don't overlap
  if (!a.TestCollide(b)) return false;
  // We have a collision if any pixels were drawn
  return obj->DrawCollide() > 0;


  1. To speed up the checks done on the GPU, we can set the scissor rectangle to the overlapping area. This helps in cases in which the overlapping area is small compared to the complete area of the object.
  2. OpenGL has gluProject(), DirectX has D3DXVecProject()
  3. It may be useful to consider a larger tolerance for fairness’ sake
  4. E.g. setting the near and far clipping planes to the distance of the second object (assuming it won’t be a problem that the clipping results in objects that have a hole)