20 Feb

Let’s make a planet

For the last few days, I have been working on a planet generator. I originally got the idea from the method how you can easily tessellate sphere into triangles. This results in a spherical map instead of a cylindrical map.

The usual way of rendering a planet as a a sphere with cylindrical texture map (or height field) looks quite bad in places because the map is stretched on the equator and pinched near the poles. The method described below takes a different approach and generates a map of vertices connected by triangles.

The vertices contain the terrain information such as terrain type (sea, land, mountain) and height. More detail is introduced by subdividing the triangles into smaller triangles.

The starting shape is an octahedron. We then subdivide each side into four triangles, normalize the new vertices and apply simple physics to move all the vertices away from the others (reverse gravity) – this eventually settles the vertices quite evenly (it won’t be a perfect shape but it is good enough for most purposes). We don’t even need to start from a symmetrical shape, using a naive repulsion algorithm eventually makes the shape symmetric as long as it is possible.

The number of subdivisions can be variable and dynamic. I’m planning to make the generator subdivide triangles on demand. In a game, you would see approximate shapes from the orbit but when flying close to the surface, the shorelines etc. would have a lot more detail. You can subdivide infinitely which means there will be infinite detail.

Dragon curve

I use a very simple algorithm to decide the terrain type on each vertex, simply the first point of the triangle decides the terrain type on the new triangle. This results into the Dragon curve fractal. A more sophisticated algorithm would change the subdivision rules according to the subdivision depth. For example, the same rules shouldn’t apply when subdividing on a continental scale versus to a scale of a few kilometers.

Next, I’m going to model a very simple simulation of atmosphere including prevailing winds, cloud formation and temperature.


18 Feb

A simple statistics plugin for WordPress

Here’s a very simple plugin for WordPress that keeps track of view counts of individual pages. It is not intended to be a complete statistics solution. Rather, the main purpose is to provide something for those empty spots in your site layout.

Here is a sample graph (page views for this site):

For a better example, see the site stats page.


  • Keeps day-by-day based page view stats using the database
  • Outputs a clean histogram
  • Includes easy functions for those who are better at blogging than programming


Copy viewcount.php in /wp-content/plugins and enable it in WordPress options. Enter the path of the directory you want to the graph cache to be located in the options page (Options > Viewcount). The plugin will then start counting page views.

Note: the plugin taps into the_content(). Pages that do not use it will not update the stats! See below for a workaround.


To display statistics, there are a few functions.


get_view_histogram() returns a URL to a PNG image.

If $page is unset or is -1, the data will be the combined page views for all pages. $web20 specifies the height of a “Web 2.0” style reflection under the bars. The rest of the parameters should be easy enough to figure out.

You can use the function like this to display the statistics for the current post (or page):

<img src="<?php echo get_view_histogram($post->ID); ?>" />

You can also display a top list of page views with get_view_count_list().


$excludeid is a comma-separated list of post IDs (note:the list is not escaped so do not use any values in there that come straight off $_GET or so!). $type is either “post” or “page”, empty string returns both.

You can exclude the page that is currently viewed like this (shows the top five pages from the last 30 days excluding post ID $post->ID):


To display a Popularity Contest style percentage (the percentage of traffic a post has compared to other posts), use get_popularity($page=-1,$days=30,$format=’percent’). if $page equals to -1, the current page ID will be used automatically. $format can be either ‘percent‘ or ‘float‘ — ‘percent‘ returns a string with the percent sign, ‘float‘ returns a floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0. The following will display a percentage of page views for the current page during the last 30 days.

<?php echo get_popularity(); ?>

To display all time statistics, you can simply do this:

<?php echo get_popularity(-1,99999); ?>

This will display all time statistics, unless your blog has been online for more than 274 years.

To get the list of most viewed pages, use the function get_top_pages($days=30,$limit=10,$type=’views’). $type is either ‘views’ or ‘popularity’.

You can request more functions!




You need the GD library installed for PHP.

I created the plugin to see how that is done. Therefore, crap code ensues (see the warning about excluding posts above).

The plugin will count views for pages and single posts only. Page views from users who are logged in (e.g. you) will not be logged.

The plugin taps into the_content() to count views. You can use vc_update_counter($id) to manually update the page views (or, you can be creative and count very different stuff with it – just make sure the ID is not in use by real pages).

In case you think the graph is wrong: the bar height is normalized. This is just so there is interesting variation in the height.

07 Nov

What exactly does GCC optimize?

All compilers optimize code to some extent, some better than others. However, at least to me a great amount of the nature of the optimizations is unclear, outside the explicitly stated loop unrolling and like. Let’s find out which kind of programmer laziness and/or stupidity gets eliminated.


I used GCC 4.2.2 (MinGW) to compile the test program. The following options produce an assembly source of the compiled binary juxtaposed to the C source:

gcc -c -Wa,-a,-ad opt.c > opt.lst

The tests mostly check if the compiler realizes a function always returns a certain value (opt1(), opt2()), if a function call can be completely eliminated by looking at the input parameter (opt5()) and so on. While compilers do a good job at saving CPU cycles by using registers to pass parameters instead of the stack and so on, the question here is how they manage with lazy code and if you can trust the compiler to take care of some obvious optimizations and shortcuts.


Each of the following test case is called by the following line (to ensure the optimizer doesn’t just skip execution etc.):

printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",opt1(),opt2(),opt3(),opt4(),opt5(0),opt5(1));

int opt1() {
	return 6+7;	

The following of course always returns 13. We assume the compiler should always substitute function calls with the result.

int opt2() {
	int x=rand();
	int y=rand();
	return x*y-x*y;   // 1-1=0

Always returns a zero. The function call can’t be eliminated because even if we know the result, two calls to rand() are needed. The two substitutions and multiplications can still be omitted.

int opt3() {
	int x=rand();
	int y=rand();
	return ((x*y)<10000)?(x):(x*y);	

Will the compiler see it doesn’t have to calculate x*y twice?

int opt4() {
	if (opt3()) {
	} else {
	if (opt2()) {
                // should never get here!
		return opt3(); 
	} else {
		return 5+opt3();	

Tests if the compiler leaves out blocks that will never be on the code path (opt2() always returns zero) and if the else-clause yields to same code as the if-clause.

int opt5(int x) {
	return x*opt1();	

Does the compiler substitute the function call with the result? If x equals to zero, the result will always be zero.


GCC 4.2.2 -O2 GCC 4.2.2 -O3
opt1() Call Result substituted, no call
opt2() Call, no calc, returns zero Result substituted, no call
opt3() Call, remembers x*y Inlined
opt4() Call, forgets opt2() always returns zero, although

if (opt3()) {
} else {

correctly becomes

Inlined, all excess code eliminated
opt5() Call, calls opt1(). No optimizations Inlined, substituted


As you can see from the results, -O2 isn’t too smart. Many clear cases such as the one with opt1() go unnoticed. I would assume a typical method that returns the value of a private member also has to be called instead of just accessed directly, so beware (note: I didn’t test g++ but as you know, it simply produces wrapper code for GCC).

-O3 on the other hand is a much better companion to a lazy coder, you can trust it eliminates downright crap code you don’t feel like cleaning manually. With -O3 you pretty much can use inlined functions instead of macros with no penalty (as long as you set the inline limits et cetera).

15 Sep

C masochism, part 1

I like C. I write tools in C that sane people write in Ruby or whatever the trendy script-like loosely typed language of the week is. But this is not about which language to choose. This is about doing stuff in C just because a lot of people think it’s 1.) limited, 2.) hard and 3.) unnecessarily old to be used in the 2000s.

I like C. I like how a compiled executable is usually in the 10 kilobyte range for simple programs. I like how you don’t need anything besides the executable. I like how I can’t blame but myself if the program is too slow.

But a significant amount of the reasoning why I decide to use C over and over again is the challenge. I recently read a blog entry about how programming can ruin your life, which I was ready to judge as another lame blog post about how programming is wizardry and how programmers see everything differently (you know, a bit how in the end of Matrix (1999) Neo sees that green Matrix code everywhere). Though, I have to agree the post has a good point: I too tend to make even purely practical things challenging, e.g. by using vanilla C.

Back to the point. I was writing this tool for downloading files using curl (the command line tool, not the library). I also use FlashGot for Firefox which saves all the selected URLs in a text file and runs the program specifying the text file on the command line. Parsing the text file is simple enough in C:

int main(int argc,char **argv) {
  FILE *f=fopen(argv[1],"r");
  char line[100];

  while (fgets(line,99,f)) {

  return 0;

However, I don’t like how the program is dependent of the text file (note how at this point the additional challenges start to sneak in). The text file is open as long as the program keeps downloading the files and that can be a long while if the files are huge. Of course, the program should read the list in memory and close the file.

int main(int argc,char **argv) {
  FILE *f=fopen(argv[1],"r");
  char line[100][100];
  int num_lines=0,i;

  while (fgets(line[num_lines++],99,f)) {
    /* line read */


  for(i=0;i<num_lines;i++) download_url_with_curl(line[i]);

  return 0;

Still quite simple, but there are two problems: What if there are more than 100 lines? What if the lines are longer than 100 characters (including the null terminator)? The array at least should be dynamic, i.e. it should be able to resize itself when lines are read. This is still quite simple but it starts to get annoying:

int main(int argc,char **argv) {
  FILE *f=fopen(argv[1],"r");
  char **lines=NULL,line[100];
  int num_lines=0,i;

  while (fgets(line,99,f)) {


  for(i=0;i<num_lines;i++) {

  for(i=0;i<num_lines;i++) {
    free(lines[i]); // free the allocated strings

  free(lines); // free the array
  return 0;

You have to reallocate memory a lot and you have to free the memory. Not perverted enough. It seems I have run out of real improvements to make and have to find something else challenging.

I figured I could use the stack to have a kind of dynamic array by using recursion: if every recursion allocates a bit of the stack to store one array item, it would automatically allocate and free the memory when the functions return:

void parse_line(FILE *f) {
  char *line=malloc(sizeof(char)*100);

  if (fgets(line,99,f)) {
  } else {


int main(int argc,char **argv) {
  return 0;

This basically works as follows: the parse_file() function will recurse until all of the file is read, closes the file and then it starts to call the download_url_with_curl() function as every function returns (take note it will do everything backwards, which doesn’t matter when downloading files).

The stack will overflow at some point but it should handle ~50000 or whatever amount of recursions – there are only the saved registers and the single pointer to the string in the stack per array item. An acceptable tradeoff when you think of the code being actually about as complex as the first incarnation with the fixed array size. Obviously, the people who bitch and moan about pointers being evil and how C doesn’t have any dynamic conveniences haven’t ever considered this elegant method.

11 Jul

Hardware-accelerated 2D collision detection in OpenGL

NB: Here is a better post about the below algorithm. Includes source code.

The idea

Did you know you can do pixel accurate collision detection using the OpenGL stencil buffer and occlusion queries? I got this idea while working on a 2D/3D game engine (think of a side-scroller but with 3D objects).

The idea is actually very similar to how you do collision checking on most 8-bit computers and consoles: when drawing the sprites on screen, the graphics chip automatically keeps track if it drew a pixel on something that was already there. OpenGL doesn’t do that by default (especially because this is not a 3D method) but we can fake it. This is how I do it:

  1. Each model has it’s bounding box which is translated and rotated with the object

  2. Each potential collision between two objects is checked:

    1. Project each corner of the bounding box on the screen plane (gluProject()). You can project all the object vertices if you want more accuracy

    2. Get the smallest rectangle that fits around the projected points

    3. Using this rectangle check if the objects are anywhere near each other, i.e. check if the rectangles overlap. If the rectangles do overlap:

      1. Use the first object to draw a stencil shape (i.e. use the same drawing code you use to draw the object on the screen but enable GL_STENCIL_TEST and put the stencil function in the GL_ALWAYS mode). You need to clear the stencil buffer, I do this with the scissor area set so I clear just the needed area.

      2. Use the second object to do an occlusion query using the stencil – draw only if the stencil is set (again, reuse the code for drawing the object in general but enable stencil test and start the occlusion query before drawing).

      3. The objects collide if there are any pixels drawn, i.e. the objects shared some pixels and the query returns a non-zero value

  3. Draw the scene, next frame etc.

(Text on yellow is what I’m talking about here)

Discussion and improvements

Now, this isn’t exactly a fast technique and you probably will have good results with normal multiple bounding box/rectangle checking even if that isn’t as accurate as this method. However, this should work with anything you can draw on the screen with OpenGL, including alpha textures (i.e. 2D sprites) and you don’t need to keep track of any extra bounding boxes.

One thing I like is that you automatically get a bit more sophisticated collision checking: even if this method is inherently 2D, you can use the far and near clipping planes to make the objects not collide if an object is actually behind another object. If you use perspective, you can stop the player colliding with a floor that stretches to infinity (which of course when projected in 2D only goes from the bottom of the screen to the middle of the screen) – just draw the part of the floor that is at the same the depth as the player.

You can also optimize this a lot. In my case, I get more speed using the rectangle check above and limiting collisions (e.g. no check between two enemies, checking only player and landscape collisions, testing only the rectangle if it is a static square tile etc.). I also don’t draw the stencil every time I check an object pair and obviously cache rects if the orientation of the object doesn’t change much.

Not much examples here but you should get this working in a few days by just googling for occlusion queries, stencil buffer and OpenGL (assuming you already do know how to draw stuff on screen and realize how the object translation and rotation works etc.). There are a ton of tutorials on the Net about drawing reflections and whatnot using stencil, which is precisely what we do here, only that we don’t show the reflection and only count the pixels.
