11 Mar

AHX Import in klystrack 1.4

I’ve just finished an AHX import feature for klystrack. The conversion is not perfect because not all features are present in klystrack and they have to be emulated using what there is available. However, even if the conversion isn’t too accurate, the tunes still sound pretty good. This is what the imported tunes sound like if you’re lucky:

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I’ve also updated the effect system to support separate FX chains, meaning you can have different reverb etc. settings for different instruments. While there will be more effects in future versions, they will still be for fine tuning the old school sound.

1.4.0 should be out soon but you can try the nightly builds that should work pretty well.

One thought on “AHX Import in klystrack 1.4

  1. nice going, klystrack seems like a neat thing to have :) the import function works fine with that one remaining ahx of mine; i should fiddle some more with this one.

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