Here are some examples how %PN% can be used in different situations. See the full documentation and the list of built in functions for more help.
Basic arithmetics
1 + 1
1 m + 1 in
(1 + 1) / (2 * 5)
3 ^ (45 + 7)
sin 4 / 3
Converting measures, currencies and whatnot
5 cm in ft
100 m + 50 km in mi
Finding out average speed
A car trip of 50 miles that took 80 minutes:
50 mi / 80 min
How long will it take to download a file
750 megabytes on a 1 Mbps download speed:
750 MB / 1 Mbps
How much is it possible to download while you sleep
Assuming the above 1 Mbps and a healthy 8 hours of sleep:
1 Mbps * 8 h